Saturday, May 1, 2021

Music and Travel

 What have I been listening to lately? Jeff Buckley. Mercury Rev. Drive-By Truckers "21st Century U.S.A." The singer lists off all the corporations that play such a large part in our lives. The debt. The look to Amazon for salvation. Nina Simone has a song 22nd Century that's interesting too. A plague that changes society. I don't know if Covid will change society much. People want to revert to the before times. Music does play an important part in my life. When I can't do anything else, I can listen to music. I enjoy doing chores when I have music in the background. I feel like I'm not wasting my time. I've always required a minimal amount of cleaning. I like to wash the dishes and fold clothes. This carpet hasn't been vacuumed since I moved in because the vacuum is broken and I don't know where to take it. There are about four more weeks in the semester and then I start Summer School. It has been uplifting to talk to the students face to face, but I hope this hybrid model doesn't go on in the Fall. Will students have the option of just doing distance learning. This seems to take teachers into account last. No deviation from governmental policy of the past? A profession largely composed of women pushed around by men. 

We have done some interesting trips on the weekend to the Mission in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Gilroy, and Casa de Fruta. It always feels good to get out of town. You feel like you step off the treadmill and you're really living. That was a nice trip to San Diego for NMSI. Traveling is something I've always wanted to get back to. There aren't many places I want to go: Japan, Israel, other parts of Mexico. I would like to travel around the United States with my kids. Russia would be interesting. I always love that feeling of when we're getting ready to go to Mexico and I can brush up on my Spanish. She never gave me back those books she borrowed from me did she? I enjoy reading the books that have Spanish on one side and English on the other. I am proud that I moved down there by myself with one friend and lived there 3.5 years. I guess that's what S is doing. I didn't burn any bridges when I left. Perhaps G wanted to live in L.A for longer. I left on the week of September 11th. There were tanks at L.A.X. I remember that Independence Day in Mexico City. My first experience of the Zocalo. 

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