Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inside Iran (Axis of Evil?)

Go to this link

Explore the information about Iran. What did you know about Iran before? Are you surprised by anything you read or see? What is interesting to you about Iran? 

Monday, February 2, 2009

San Jose Film Festival

Click on this link

Click on Film Festival

Click on Films. 

Read the summaries of the films. Choose three films that interest you. #1 is your first choice. We will take the Light Rail downtown one day to see two films. I will get the Light Rail Ticket for the class, and you will pay $10.00 for two films. 

Kurosawa- Watching the Directors Podcast

Go to this link

Listen to the show about Kurosawa for 10 minutes. Answer these three questions: 

1. What directors did Kurosawa influence? 

2. Why were the movies between 1948-1958 only in black and white?  

3. How do you know a Kurosawa film?