Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Another Day Another Dime

 Happy to have this job. With all the challenges I've faced this year, my life could be much harder. Reading through the list of stresses on children at Kaiser, I realized that I've shielded my kids from most of them, but when playing with the neighboring kids you've got to let them duke it out sometimes. Listening to the interview with Francisco Goldman talking about Monkey Boy and wondering what experiences I had as a young man that left a mark on me. I remember Eugene commenting on a huge zit I had on my face. Put me in a shell for a long time. Sports helped. Playing soccer and running. Being yelled at by the soccer coach. I wasn't equipped to handle it. No one had ever been mean to me. I didn't know how to handle unfairness and I wasn't close enough to my parents or they weren't equipped to give me the advice I needed. Maybe they did and I don't remember it now. Maybe I wasn't ready to receive their advice. They loved me how they could. I love as I can. I can see my own limitations sometimes as I'm talking to my kids. I hear my father's voice sometimes in my own. 

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