Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Western

What are the characteristics of Westerns? How is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance a Western?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Film Noir

Go to this link about Film Noir.

Answer these questions:

1. In your own words, define Film Noir.

2. Compare your definition to the definition of the film critics.

3. Have you seen any of the quintessential films? Do you know any of the directors?

Film Noir Slang

Go to this link

Skim the slang. Write a dialogue for two characters using 10 of the words or expressions. Perform the dialogue for the class.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Horror Movies

What is your favorite horror movie? What is scary to you? What film techniques do horror movies use? Post an image of your favorite horror movie in your blog.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hays Code

Go to this link for the Hays Code

1. Read the rules for movies. In a group of three, make a list of 20 movies you have seen recently on one piece of paper for the group or on the blog. Brainstorm with your group whether the movies violate any of the Hays Code rules. Next to each movie, write one rule from the Hays Code that the movie violates.

2. Also, discuss with you group: What is the effect of having censorship on movies? Can you think of any positive effects of censorship? What are the negative effects? Write/type some answers/ideas to these questions.

3. Write a pitch for a movie that follows all the Hays Code rules. (1 short paragraph)

4. Write a pitch for a movie that violates all of the Hays Code rules. (1 short paragraph)

Gangster Movies

Why do you think Americans like Gangster movies so much? Does the popularity of these movies say anything about who we are as people? Does it say anything about our culture? What are some of your favorite gangster movies? What usually happens in the story?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Introduction to Essay

Rough Draft Due Friday

Write the introduction to the Metropolis/Modern Times Essay. The specifications for the essay can be found on the Schreiber website.

Your introduction should have these three parts:

Hook- something to get the interest of the reader (personal connection/example, quote, question)
Background- Brief description of each film
Thesis Statement- A subject and an opinion- For example: Modern Times and Metropolis use their genre and acting style to reflect the desperate working conditions of their era.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Buster Keaton

Read this article about Buster Keaton.

Answer these questions:

1. How did he get his start? How did his family and vaudeville influence his development?
2. What is unique about Keaton's comedy?
3. How does the writer compare Keaton to Chaplin?
4. How did Keaton's career end?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Parallel Sequencing

Use the parallel sequencing method to write 2 paragraphs comparing Modern Times and Metropolis. Write about a different characteristic than you used for the Integrated Comparison part yesterday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Integrated Comparison of Metropolis, Modern Times

Write an Integrated Comparison paragraph comparing one aspect of Metropolis and Modern Times.

Research on Metropolis and Modern Times

In order to deepen your analysis of the films Metropolis and Modern Times and to improve your essay, we are going to start doing research on the films.

Go to these links:

Skim the information about the movies. Cut and paste some interesting quotes into a blog. Make sure you record the web address where you found the information above the information. Find at least 10 quotes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Star Wars and D.W Griffith

Watch the opening sequence of Star Wars. What film techniques does George Lucas use? How does this compare with D.W Griffith?

Thursday, September 17, 2009


What's your favorite Comedy movie? What kind of comedy do you like? Do you like physical comedies like Ace Ventura or The Mask? Do you like British comedies? Do you like comedies with stunts? Do you like teen comedies? What is funny to you?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Favorite Movie in the Last Month

What's your favorite movie from the last month? What kind of lighting did it use? Compare/Contrast it with German Expressionism. Did it use chiaroscuro lighting? What were the sets like? Did it film on location? What was the acting like?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Science Fiction

What are some Science Fiction movies you have seen? What are some characteristics of the genre? For example, you might have seen a movie set in space.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

German Expressionism

Read the section in Chapter 4 about films from 1920s Germany. Go to this link
Read the information there about German Expressionism.

What is German Expressionism? What are some of the famous films?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Film Innovations Up to This Point

Look at the images to the right. Who is the director? What is the name of the film? Why is this piece of art important in the development of film?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Garageband Recording with Vertigo

Choose a short scene from Vertigo. Here is a link to the screenplay.

With a partner, read the scene a few times to practice. Next, record your reading into Garageband. Put the recording on the server. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Color in Vertigo

How is color used in Vertigo? 

After you write your own ideas, look at this link
What are three new ideas about color in Vertigo this link gives you?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inside Iran (Axis of Evil?)

Go to this link

Explore the information about Iran. What did you know about Iran before? Are you surprised by anything you read or see? What is interesting to you about Iran? 

Monday, February 2, 2009

San Jose Film Festival

Click on this link

Click on Film Festival

Click on Films. 

Read the summaries of the films. Choose three films that interest you. #1 is your first choice. We will take the Light Rail downtown one day to see two films. I will get the Light Rail Ticket for the class, and you will pay $10.00 for two films. 

Kurosawa- Watching the Directors Podcast

Go to this link

Listen to the show about Kurosawa for 10 minutes. Answer these three questions: 

1. What directors did Kurosawa influence? 

2. Why were the movies between 1948-1958 only in black and white?  

3. How do you know a Kurosawa film? 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

French New Wave/400 Blows

One of the most important filmmaking techniques used by New Wave filmmakers was the long take that tracks actions through an entire street scene or a prolonged running escape shot. Pick out two scenes in The 400 Blows where this technique is used. How does it contribute to the effectiveness of the scene? If you choose a street scene (set in Paris, for instance), what role do the long takes play in creating a sense of what Paris was like in the late 1950s? 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Bicycle Thieves

Write a close analysis of the final scene of the movie. Pay close attention to the length of the shots. What is the point of view of the shots? How is the framing of the shots used? How does the director increase the suspense or tension? How does the director show us the relationship between the father and the son?